About Envision
Envision Planning is a Fortune 500-level project and procurement management company, providing client-centered service as an agile, turnkey partner in medical equipment planning. Envision Planning provides its healthcare clients with comprehensive furniture, fixtures and medical equipment planning, through all phases of the project lifecycle. From project evaluation to transition management, Envision goes beyond the traditional scope of services.
After using FitUp on a large outpatient clinic project for Denver Health, Heidi Penfold and Kristy Pals, Co-Principals of Envision, incorporated FitUp into their standard project workflow. Their team uses this solution on multiple projects such as Denver Health Outpatient Medical Center, Centura – St. Francis InterQuest, Centura – St. Francis MedSurg, and LAH IR Expansion to name a few.
The Problem
Envision was looking to improve internal workflows. The team felt like they were completing many additional steps and they could manage their work better using a more advanced tracking system. Previously, Envision felt scattered, utilizing a combination of Attainia functionality, Excel and homegrown workflows. They had to create many different reports and then manually correlate them back into another manually created tracking document to cross-reference back to the POs.
Ultimately, the question was not, “How can FitUp help Envision?” but, “How can we help each other continue to improve for the clients that we serve?”
FitUp’s Solution
FitUp has given Envision’s clients a sense of relief, knowing that there is less opportunity for error. For example, FitUp’s platform has reduced Envision’s need to export a document from one place to move it to another. While that might seem simple, human error is inescapable and FitUp has minimized risk in their projects. They are also able to keep their clients in the loop using FitUp’s Visual Fragnet tool for real-time updates, saving time and reducing backtracking that slows down the overall flow of the process.
FitUp has simplified Envision’s processes and allowed them to pull products from their database and easily identify when items are missing. Envision uses Attainia for planning up to the time the purchase order is cut. FitUp has also allowed Envision to harbor more accurate documentation. For instance, through FitUp’s software, Envision team members can mark when they have been in a specific room, ensuring they don’t miss any spaces in the hustle and bustle of a project. Envision values the time-saving deliverables such as door reports, and delivery requests. Not to mention, FitUp has completely shifted how Envision does its punch list process, allowing them to better manage the product once it arrives on-site. With it, they can track when a product has left the offsite warehouse and who it was handed off to.
The Results
“One of the many important things we were considering was how will FitUp affect (either positively or negatively) our data flow. With FitUp, we can update it in Attainia, and by the next day, it will also be in FitUp. We did not see this same sync up with any other tools.” – Heidi Penfold.
FitUp allows Envision to maintain a chain of custody for all products and provides living documentation for their client’s records. The use of FitUp by Envision has not changed its scope of work or services. Instead, it has changed how they manage these services. FitUp has reduced the amount of time and effort it takes to complete a project, allowing the Envision team to take on more work without having to employ new staff members.
Overall, FitUp has given Envision confidence in their data, real-time information, and documentation. Having all of their information up-to-date has changed the way they can function as a team. For both their internal benefit and client satisfaction. Envision estimates that FitUp saves about 25% in time during the outfitting of a project. Using FitUp, Envision feels capable of taking on more substantial and detailed projects without the need for extra staff.